First Start
Set up the wifi, you have to connect to the drone wifi with following SSID :“drone_wifi_bridge” and password : “password”. You can configure it by going on the adress
set up the wifi id and password corresponding to your rooter
Put a static ip adress in the dhcp server of your router.
Connect to the esp32 server with
with * the ip adress of your drone and set up following parameters:
{width=“148” height=“216”}
and on 192.168.*.*/config1
with following parameters :
{width=“149” height=“217”}
Tune ESC Gains by following this tutorial (see bottom).
Frelon avec moteur 1404 Xing 4600 : ESC Configurator - for Bluejay, BLHeli_S and AM32.pdf
F_relon avec moteur Xing 6000 Kv : ESC Configurator - for Bluejay, BLHeli_S and AM32 (2).pdf
Set up PX4 drone parameters
a good start for the parameters can be found here : frelon3_indoor_21_05_2024.params
You can also choose to make all the configuration again from start by tuning following points :
- Airframe : Quadrotor X → apply and restart
- bind la radiocommande avec le récepteur RC en appuyant sur le boutton du récepteur tout en démarrant le drone et en faisant “bind” sur l’emmetteur. → Redémarrer le drone
- Calibrate the RC
- Tune flight modes (arm / kill / offboard / flight modes)
- Power : number of cells 2 | Empty 3.5V | Full 4.2V | Source : Power Module et faire la calibration en mesurant la tension
- Parameter :
- Sys_has_mag → 0
- Ser_TEL1_BAUD → 921600
- EKF2_HGT_REF → Vision
- DSHOT_TEL_CFG → telem/serial4 Depending on a free telem port available on the pixhawk
- Actuator →
- DShot 600
- Sensor calibration → do all the calibration and change orientation if needed